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Caliper @Param not working

I am trying to use the @Param annotation on a field with the command line args of the form: "-Dmyparamname=val1,val2,val3" and it is not working. I am using caliper-0.5-rc1.jar. My actual usage looks like:

java -classpath "mylongclasspath" MyBenchmarkClass -Jjit=-client,-server -Dprovider=CGLIB,JAVASSIST,JAVAPROXY

My benchmark class has the following:

public class MyBenchmarkClass extends SimpleBenchmark {
    private String provider;


But when I run I am only getting options for the jit, but not for the -Dprovider:

 0% Scenario{vm=java, trial=0, benchmark=M1, jit=-server} 30.40 ns; ?=0.13 ns @ 3 trials
 17% Scenario{vm=java, trial=0, benchmark=M2, jit=-server} 31.42 ns; ?=0.08 ns @ 3

etc., eventually repeating all benchmarks with "jit=-client"

I would have expected to see:

 0% Scenario{vm=java, trial=0, benchmark=M1, jit=-server provider=CGLIB} ...etc. 

I have tried all sorts of options: including quotes around the values in the command arg, providing them as a static field of type List internally, etc. There is never any indication that it is attempting to iterate over supplied values of "provider".

Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?


  • It looks like the 0.5-rc1 build (the only thing in Maven Central) is the problem. I swiped a preliminary 1.0 build from another project (I didn't want to have to download the whole project and Maven and build it).