Specifically the simple subgrid, not "grid as subgrid".
I've tried a variety of methods, but none seem to work.
If I hook into subGridBeforeExpand
, the table isn't ready for me to select the headers and set the css.
If I hook into subGridRowExpanded
the subGrid won't even render.
The align
property in the subGridModel
only affects the cell value.
Here is my model for reference:
subGrid: true,
subGridUrl: myUrl,
subGridModel: [{
name: ["Item", "Qty"],
width: ["200", "100"],
align: ["right", "right"],
param: ["Id"]
You are right, that there are too few callbacks in Subgrids and Treegrids. Nevertheless because I found your question very interesting challenge (+1 from me) I do found a workaround.
You can do the following:
var $grid = $("#grid"), sid;
//... your other settings
subGrid: true,
serializeSubGridData: function(p) {
sid = p.id; // save id from the last request
return p;
ajaxSubgridOptions: {
complete: function (sxml) {
var ts = $grid[0], $subgridHeaders;
if (ts.p.subgridtype === "xml") {
ts.subGridXml (sxml.responseXML, sid);
} else {
ts.subGridJson($.jgrid.parse(sxml.responseText), sid);
// now the subgrid is completed and we can modify
// style of subgrid headers
$subgridHeaders = $('#' + $.jgrid.jqID(ts.id + '_' + sid))
// now we can do some custom actions:
$($subgridHeaders[0]).css("text-align", "left");
$($subgridHeaders[1]).css("text-align", "right");
You can here the demo which looks like the following after the expanding of subgrids: