This portfolio template has a section that includes what looks to be a wordpress plugin for an HTML template(this is all html, css, and js that i'm using, no wordpress)... the plugin looks to be duplicating fancybox and prettyPhoto popup images that are associated with the "rel" attribute. If you click on the "image no 1" icon you will see that prettyPhoto is associated with this popup and its showing 2 images in the gallery when in the markup I've only linked to 1 image.
I found out that the line on this script... that is one of the first lines down on the page.
$('.image-grid_' + (i+1) ).fGallery('.filter_' + (i+1) );
this loop seams to be causing the issue. Is there a way to alter this loop to NOT duplicate the pop-up images?
This script is cloning your images so this is why they are duplicated in either fancybox or prettyphoto:
var clone = element.clone().appendTo(element.parent()).attr('id','grid_clone');
Original images are under <ul id="image-grid"...
and cloned images under <ul id="grid_clone" ...