As the result of a form post, I'm trying to save a new Brand record. In my view, Gender is a dropdown, returning an Integer, which is populated from ViewData("gender")
I've setup my link as follows:
gID = CInt(Request.Form("Gender"))
Brand.GenderReference.EntityKey = New EntityKey("DB_ENTITIES.Gender", "Id", gID)
Which results in the following error.
Entities in 'DB_ENTITIES.Brand' participate in the 'FK_Brand_Gender' relationship. 0 related 'Gender' were found. 1 'Gender' is expected.
Could someone explain the parameters in plain english to me. I've also tried DB.Gender as the first parameter but no joy.
Rather than creating an EntityKey create a stub Gender object (sorry I'm not a VB guy so in C#):
Gender g = new Gender{ID = Int32.Parse(Request.Form("Gender"))};
Then you attach the Gender to the appropriate EntitySet
(the name of property on DB
that you get Gender entities from is the string below):
This puts the database in the state where the Gender is in the ObjectContext
in the unchanged state without a database query. Now you can build a relationship as per normal
brand.Gender = g;
That is all there is to it. No need to muck around with EntityKeys
Hope this helps