I have to delete a selected row in JTable using the Key Event. When I select a row and press the Delete Key, the selected row values should be deleted. How can I do this?
You have to get the selected Rows (thats where the curser currently is) and then call removeRow on that rows.
I recommend you read the API for JTable.
try this (I used multiple rows in the code where I used it, but you should be able to break it down to one. Also, I'm unsure if the Arrays.sort is really necessary)
int [] toDelete = dataTable.getSelectedRows();
Arrays.sort(toDelete); // be shure to have them in ascending order.
MyTableModel myTableModel = (MyTableModel)dataTable.getModel();
for(int ii = toDelete.length -1; ii >=0; ii--) {
myTableModel.removeRow(toDelete[ii]); // beginning at the largest.