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How to run or compile DirectX 10 application in windows XP?

Please, help. Does anyone know how to compile DirectX10 application for windows XP? I know microsoft didn't make support for directx 10 in windows XP, but I saw some hack libraries to use DirectX 10 in windows XP and in doesn't work for me. Is there really right way to run DirectX 10 applications for windows XP?


  • You have effectively answered your own question.

    There is no

    really right way to run DirectX 10 [on] windows XP

    As DirectX FAQ - Will DirectX 10 be available for Windows XP? points out DirectX 10 relies on both:

    • new system calls that do not exist in Windows XP


    • code changes to support a new driver mode created for newer versions of Windows

    Existing DirectX 10 programs that are run on a Windows XP system

    simply resort to using the code from DirectX 9.0c

    There are some

    hack libraries to use DirectX 10 in windows XP

    TechMixer - Download DirectX 10 for Windows XP

    but they may not work.