I try to send a integer array via datagram socket. What is the best way to accomplish this. MY sending code is:
public void sendObj(Object obj) {
byteArr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(byteArr);
byte[] b = byteArr.toByteArray();
DatagramPacket dgram = new DatagramPacket(b, b.length, InetAddress.getByName(""), 4446); // multicast
System.out.println("Package is sent!");
}catch(Exception e){
And receiving code is:
byte[] b = new byte[65535];
ByteArrayInputStream b_in = new ByteArrayInputStream(b);
DatagramPacket dgram = new DatagramPacket(b, b.length);
socket.receive(dgram); // blocks
ObjectInputStream o_in = new ObjectInputStream(b_in);
Object o = o_in.readObject();
dgram.setLength(b.length); // must reset length field!
b_in.reset(); //
However when I receive it gives StreamException for unknown header value 00000
We solved that problem by a basic changes. We used a string like "100200300..." to symbolize the array by separating element with two 0' so in that way we did not use ArrayList.