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Automatically starting a JBoss service (MBean)

I'm trying to build a JBoss service that should be started automatically, each time the server is initiated.

I've got the following class structure for my service:

public interface CumbiaXPMServiceMBean extends org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean
public class CumbiaXPMService extends org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport implements CumbiaXPMServiceMBean

I've also got the following configuration file -- jboss-service.xml -- for my service :

    <mbean code="uniandes.cumbia.xpm.jboss.CumbiaXPMService"
      <attribute name="LocationInCumbia" attributeClass="java.lang.String">XPMEngine</attribute>    

My question is: how do I automatically start this service?

I expected that JBoss will call the method start( ) as part as the loading process, but it is not: I've got a lot of loggin code in my start( ) method, but I haven't seen any output.

However, when I look at the MBean status using the JMXConsole, its state (StateString) is 'Started'.

Problem Solved

I found the solution to my problem. I was overriding the methods start( ), stop( ), destroy( ) and create( ); nevertheless, since I'm extending the abstract class ServiceMBeanSupport, I should be overriding the methods startService( ), stopService( ), etc.

I just moved my code from the method start( ) to the method startService( ) and now everything is behaving as I needed: as soon as its dependencies are fulfilled, my service is started and the method startService( ) is executed.

I think the conclusion is: although the life-cycle of an MBean involves calling create( ), start( ), stop( ) and destroy( ), the implementation of the abstract class ServiceMBeanSupport uses those methods to handle the life cycle. Nevertheless, it provides the protected methods *Service( ) in order to allow the programmer to participate in the life cycle.


  • Problem Solved

    I found the solution to my problem. I was overriding the methods start( ), stop( ), destroy( ) and create( ); nevertheless, since I'm extending the abstract class ServiceMBeanSupport, I should be overriding the methods startService( ), stopService( ), etc.

    I just moved my code from the method start( ) to the method startService( ) and now everything is behaving as I needed: as soon as its dependencies are fulfilled, my service is started and the method startService( ) is executed.

    I think the conclusion is: although the life-cycle of an MBean involves calling create( ), start( ), stop( ) and destroy( ), the implementation of the abstract class ServiceMBeanSupport uses those methods to handle the life cycle. Nevertheless, it provides the protected methods *Service( ) in order to allow the programmer to participate in the life cycle.