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Uploading Any File To Google Docs Using GData

I'm trying to use the Google Docs GData API (.NET) to upload a file to my docs, but I keep getting errors thrown. I can't find any example that uses this method, so I'm not even sure that I am usign it correctly.

DocumentsService docService = new DocumentsService("MyDocsTest");
docService.setUserCredentials("w****", "*****");

DocumentsListQuery docQuery = new DocumentsListQuery();
DocumentsFeed docFeed = docService.Query(docQuery);

foreach (DocumentEntry entry in docFeed.Entries)


if (File.Exists(@"testDoc.txt") == false)
    File.WriteAllText(@"testDoc.txt", "test");

docService.UploadDocument(@"testDoc.txt", null); // Works Fine
docService.UploadFile(@"testDoc.txt", null, @"text/plain", false); // Throws Error

The above code will throw a GDataRequestException:

Execution of request failed:

This is kind of aggrivating, seeing as this API could be so insanely helpful. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?


  • After a lot of experimentation and research, I got it to work. Gonna leave this here for others in my predicament. I will leave in the using shorthands for reference.

    // Start the service and set credentials
    Docs.DocumentsService service = new Docs.DocumentsService("GoogleApiTest");
    service.setUserCredentials("username", "password");
    // Initialize the DocumentEntry
    Docs.DocumentEntry newEntry = new Docs.DocumentEntry();
    newEntry.Title = new Client.AtomTextConstruct(Client.AtomTextConstructElementType.Title, "Test Upload"); // Set the title
    newEntry.Summary = new Client.AtomTextConstruct(Client.AtomTextConstructElementType.Summary ,"A summary goes here."); // Set the summary
    newEntry.Authors.Add(new Client.AtomPerson(Client.AtomPersonType.Author, "A Person")); // Add a main author
    newEntry.Contributors.Add(new Client.AtomPerson(Client.AtomPersonType.Contributor, "Another Person")); // Add a contributor
    newEntry.MediaSource = new Client.MediaFileSource("testDoc.txt", "text/plain"); // The actual file to be uploading
    // Create an authenticator
    Client.ClientLoginAuthenticator authenticator = new Client.ClientLoginAuthenticator("GoogleApiTest", Client.ServiceNames.Documents, service.Credentials);
    // Setup the uploader
    Client.ResumableUpload.ResumableUploader uploader = new Client.ResumableUpload.ResumableUploader(512);
    uploader.AsyncOperationProgress += (object sender, Client.AsyncOperationProgressEventArgs e) =>
            Console.WriteLine(e.ProgressPercentage + "%"); // Progress updates
    uploader.AsyncOperationCompleted += (object sender, Client.AsyncOperationCompletedEventArgs e) =>
            Console.WriteLine("Upload Complete!"); // Progress Completion Notification
    Uri uploadUri = new Uri(""); // "?convert=false" makes the doc be just a file
    Client.AtomLink link = new Client.AtomLink(uploadUri.AbsoluteUri);
    link.Rel = Client.ResumableUpload.ResumableUploader.CreateMediaRelation;
    uploader.InsertAsync(authenticator, newEntry, new object()); // Finally upload the bloody thing