I want to do the following:
When a user right clicks on any file (in windows) I want the context menu to popup a special item. I did that with regedit and I followed a few examples on the internet and got this
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Do something]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Do something\command]
@="notepad.exe %1"
That works OK, but I would like to run a java application and send it the selected item's file-path
Consider running a batch script file instead of placing the entire java command in regedit. This may be easier to debug, as you can run the batch file manually and ensure it works. Just replace "notepad.exe" with your batch file.
You will need to pass the parameters passed to the batch file along to your java application. Here's a quick reference to parameters in batch files: http://www.robvanderwoude.com/parameters.php