I Used MessageFormat to format the contents of a file with parameters and get so a formated string with correct parameters. (I used it to format email body.finally I had one file per email body, the application needs to send a lot of different emails, so I got a lot of preformatted body files)
So far, I had six parameters.
Problem: Things are changing and now I have more than 6 parameters today ....
I realize that MessageFormat is limited to 6 parameters!
What can I do? Is there an alternative to MessageFormat? or the only solution is to put each email line in properties ( and hope not to have more than 6 per line parameters !) Thanks, Christophe.
since you've tagged this as 'spring' you could use the Apache Velocity templating engine (VelocityEngineFactoryBean), wire it into your class as a VelocityEngine.
You could then use VelocityEngineUtils.mergeTemplateIntoString() passing the name of the template file (stored in your classpath)