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Explicite Local EJB not injected with Arquillian

I use Arquillian to test an stateless session bean that has an explicit local and remote interface. But in the test Arquillian does not "inject" anything in a field that has the type of the local interface, but it works for the remote interface.

public class TestServiceImpl implements TestServiceLocal, TestServiceRemote {
    public String greet() {
        return "hallo";

The remote interface:

public interface TestServiceRemote {
    public String greet();

The locale interface:

public interface TestServiceLocal {
    public String greet();

And this is the test:

public class GenericEntityDaoEjbIntegrationTest {

    public static JavaArchive createTestArchive()
                  throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "test.jar")

    private TestServiceLocal testServiceLocal;

    private TestServiceRemote testServiceRemote;

    //Will Fail
    public void testTestServiceLocal() {

    public void testTestServiceRemote() {

I am using arquillian-glassfish-embedded 1.0.0.CR2, glassfish-embedded-all 3.1 and arquillian-junit-container 1.0.0.CR5 The relevant part of my pom is:

    <!-- arquillian test -->

This is the relevant part of the log file (it does not contain any exception):

10.04.2012 15:38:16 com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer initializeHome
INFO: Portable JNDI names for EJB TestServiceImpl : [java:global/test/TestServiceImpl!de.test.service.TestServiceRemote, java:global/test/TestServiceImpl!de.test.service.TestServiceLocal]
10.04.2012 15:38:16 com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer initializeHome
INFO: Glassfish-specific (Non-portable) JNDI names for EJB TestServiceImpl : [de.test.service.TestServiceRemote, de.test.service.TestServiceRemote#de.test.service.TestServiceRemote]
10.04.2012 15:38:16 com.sun.enterprise.web.WebApplication start
INFO: WEB0671: Loading application [test] at [/test]
10.04.2012 15:38:16 org.glassfish.deployment.admin.DeployCommand execute
INFO: test was successfully deployed in 11.844 milliseconds.

What is my mistake? What do I need to change the get an instance injected for locale interface too?


  • You could use one of the following:

    • Add a beans.xml file to the deployment:

      return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "test.jar")
                      .addAsManifestResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml");

      This enables the CDITestEnricher of Arquillian, which is far more capable than the EJBTestEnricher. It can handle @Inject annotations (obviously), but also @Resource and @EJB annotations as well (see the section on Resources injection in the CDI spec). The container then treats both the @EJB annotated fields in your test class instance as injection points and injects the dependencies.

    • Specify the mappedName property for the @EJB annotation for the field with the portable JNDI name of the deployed bean. In your case, it will look something like:

      private TestServiceLocal testServiceLocal;

      You'll need to ensure that the portable JNDI name is the same as that the one generated for your deployment. I've merely specified the one that was generated for my "com.acme.TestServiceLocal" interface.