Is there a way in Groovy to find out the name of the called method?
def myMethod() {
println "This method is called method " + methodName
This, in combination with duck typing would allow for quite concise (and probably hard to read) code.
No, as with Java there's no native way of doing this.
You could write an AST transform so that you could annotate the method and this could set a local variable inside the method.
Or you can do it the good old Java way of generating a stackTrace, and finding the correct StackTraceElement with something like:
import static org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StackTraceUtils.sanitize
def myMethod() {
def name = sanitize( new Exception().fillInStackTrace() ).stackTrace.find {
!( it.className ==~ /^java_.*|^org.codehaus.*/ )
println "In method $name"