I've in inherited some code that I'm trying to understand and any searching I do to find something on @SelectProvider
turns up a whole lot of nothing.
Java DAO
@SelectProvider(type = CategoryDaoSelectProvider.class, method = "findByParentIdAndName")
Category findByParentIdAndName(@Param("parentId") Long parentId, @Param("name") String name);
Select Provider
public class CategoryDaoSelectProvider {
public static String findByParentIdAndName(Map<String, Object> params) {
Long parentId = (Long)params.get("parentId"); // WHY IS THIS HERE???
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM Category ");
if (parentId == null) {
buffer.append("WHERE parentId IS NULL ");
} else {
buffer.append("WHERE parentId = #{parentId} ");
buffer.append("AND LOWER(name) = LOWER(#{name}) ");
return buffer.toString();
What purpose does the param parentId serve in this code? As far as I can tell it never actually does anything unless somehow magically the #{parentId} is replaced with the value. Is this param just not used in this situation? Where does mybatis
actually do the injections into the query?
SelectProviders receive parameters in 2 ways: as items in the params Map argument and as #{parentId} (in your example). You code shows parentId being checked before it is used in the select statement. The parentId variable is needed because you can't query #{parentId}.
Btw, this isn't the best implementation of a SelectProviders, you're supposed to use SELECT(), WHERE() and SQL() at the end to return the compiled statement. I guess your example works too.