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Tools/API's/Frameworks for Java Web-Based workflow

I'm working on a project that requires a Web-based workflow application. We're now evaluating software stacks for the project, and most of my colleagues agree in the use of IBM SOA-BPM products as base software (that includes Process Server and Websphere Business Modeler). The client has the license of almost all of the tools, so that approach make sense.

However, I'm curious if there is any other software-stack for that kind of application. In a quick Google search I found this:

  • Spring Workflow, sounds nice but it's in Incubation phase
  • Using an Open-Source workflow engine like Imixs, but having Process Server already that doesn't make any sense
  • This article suggest a pure Spring-Beans based solution, but it feels a little like reinventing the wheel

Any suggestion, or I should go with the full-IBM solution?


Another question, is BPM the only way for Workflow applications, or there are other possibilities?


  • Activiti is an embeddable workflow engine that we have been using for a while. It has a very good active community and a very good book "Activiti in Action". It is light weight and based on the BPMN open standard. Check my earlier question Which workflow engine to choose?