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How do I generate a level randomly?

I am currently hard coding 10 different instances like the code below, but but I'd like to create many more. Instead of having the same layout for the new level, I was wondering if there is anyway to generate a random X value for each block (this will be how far into the level it is). A level 100,000 pixels wide would be good enough but if anyone knows a system to make the level go on and on, I'd like to know that too. This is basically how I define a block now (with irrelevant code removed):

block = new Block(R.drawable.block, 400, platformheight);
block2 = new Block(R.drawable.block, 600, platformheight);
block3 = new Block(R.drawable.block, 750, platformheight);

The 400 is the X position, which I'd like to place randomly through the level, the platformheight variable defines the Y position which I don't want to change.


  • Considering that each block needs to be further than the previous one,

    List<Block> blocks = new LinkedList<Block>();
    Random rnd = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
    int x = 400;
    while (youNeedMoreBlocks)
        int offset = rnd.nextInt(400) + 100; //500 is the maximum offset, this is a constant
        x += offset;                         //ofset will be between 100 and 400
        blocks.add(new Block(R.drawable.block, x, platformheight));
        //if you have enough blocks, set youNeedMoreBlocks to false

    But this looks overly simplistic to me. Either i didn't understand your question or it actually was that simple.


    For assignments like these:

    block.setY(three_quarters - 10); 
    block2.setY(three_quarters - 10); 
    block3.setY(three_quarters - 10);

    You need to modify the loop with:

    List<Block> blocks = new LinkedList<Block>();
    Random rnd = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
    int x = 400;
    while (youNeedMoreBlocks)
        int offset = rnd.nextInt(400) + 100; //500 is the maximum offset, this is a constant
        x += offset;                         //ofset will be between 100 and 400
        Block tmp = new Block(R.drawable.block, x, platformheight);
        tmp.setY(three_quarters - 10);                 
                //do with tmp everything you need to apply to each block
        //if you have enough blocks, set youNeedMoreBlocks to false

    Another wise idea would be to generate the blocks on demand when the player is close to the edge of the map, so you have faster loading times.