I have this system where a client uploads a logo of a company and I resize it and place it in a SWF file for preview (using some FlashVars variables) in order to make a preview of how the animation is going to look like.
Is there a way to save this preview as a standalone SWF file and then as a FLV file?
For the second question (the conversion one) is there any other possibility than ffmpeg?
Thank you!
Actually I would like to know how theese guys http://www.flashbannernow.com save their flash banners since they do not have any GET or Flashvars variables in the embed code.
After some research a friend of mine gave me a brilliant example of this http://cookbooks.adobe.com/post_Screen_or_Stage_Capture_with_Flash-18504.html which actually is a component for AS 3 that makes a screen capture and then saves it as a FLV which actually is a great job that does not require any licence or so whatsoever.
Here would be the class that creates the FLV file http://www.zeropointnine.com/blog/simpleflvwriteras-as3-class-to-create-flvs/
After this by the way someone could easily use ffmpeg for compression or other file formats.