I have found this piece of code in the Haskell sendfile
-- sendfile64 gives LFS support
foreign import ccall unsafe "sendfile64" c_sendfile
:: Fd -> Fd -> Ptr (#type off64_t) -> (#type size_t) -> IO (#type ssize_t)
1) What does #type
mean and 2) why do I get this error,
[1 of 1] Compiling Linux.Splice ( splice.hs, splice.o )
splice.hs:40:12: parse error on input `type'
when I myself try to use it as follows?:
ghc --make splice.hs
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Linux.Splice where
import Data.Word
import System.Posix.Types
-- fcntl.h
-- ssize_t splice(
-- int fd_in,
-- loff_t* off_in,
-- int fd_out,
-- loff_t* off_out,
-- size_t len,
-- unsigned int flags
-- );
foreign import ccall unsafe "fnctl.h splice" c_splice
:: Fd
-> Ptr (#type {- < parse error -} loff_t)
-> Fd
-> Ptr (#type loff_t)
-> (#type size_t)
-> Word
-> IO (#type ssize_t)
(using GHC 7.4.x)
As pointed out by scdvvc, this uses the C preprocessing macros defined by hsc2hs to customize the code specifically to the system it's being compiled on. You'd need to use hsc2hs
to get the appropriate macros defined for your code.