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jQuery Accordion from $("div id=\"accordion\">

I am using GWTQuery and GWTQuery-UI, but I think it would work the same for JQuery-UI.

How can I create an accordion without define the accordion in the HTML doc?


    $("<div id=\"accordion\">   <h3><a href=\"#\">Section 1</a></h3><div><p>Mauris.</p></div><h3><a href=\"#\">Section 2</a></h3><div><p>Sed non urna.</p></div><h3><a href=\"#\">Section 3</a></h3><div><p>Nam enim risus.</p><ul><li>List item one</li><li>List item two</li>li>List item three</li></ul></div><h3><a href=\"#\">Section 4</a></h3><div><p>Cras dictum.</p><p>Suspendisse</p></div></div>");

This wont show any text at all. If i append it to a Panel, i only get the Text with the Section but no accordion.


Edit: Creating an empty div accordion in the HTML file, append the string

            .append("<h3><a href=\"#\">Section 1</a></h3><div><p>Section 1 text here.</p></div>");
            .append("<h3><a href=\"#\">Section 2</a></h3><div><p>Section 2 text here.</p></div>");

and add it to a gwt-panel is working.


  • You can create the accordion in JavaScript, but you will need to append it to an element for it to be displayed on the page.

    See this jsFiddle for a demonstration. Here's the code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
            //get the accordion container
            var $accordion = $("#accordion");    
            //append elements to the accordion   
            $accordion.append("<h3><a href=\"#\">Section 1</a></h3><div><p>Section 1 text here.</p></div>");
            $accordion.append("<h3><a href=\"#\">Section 2</a></h3><div><p>Section 2 text here.</p></div>");
            //turn it into an accordion
    <div id="accordion"></div>