If you have a given vertex how could you determine whether that vertex is to the left or right (or possibly directly in line with) the camera? All the info I find on this shows how to do it in 2D but I need 3D.
If I add the camera's look vector onto the camera's location I will have the ray that I need. But the up vector also has to be thrown into the equation, so it seems a little tricky.
I think I have to find a transformation that makes the up vector = (0, 1, 0) and the look vector = (0, 0, 1) and then apply that transformation to the vertex. Then you can just say if the vertice's x coordinate is less than the camera's then it is to its left, else it is to the right.
It's as simple as multiplying the vector by the View-Projection matrix. Here is what it boils down to though so you don't have to do a full matrix multiplication (you only need to check one section of the resulting matrix to see which side of the screen the vertex is on)
private bool left(Vector3 v)
if (viewProjection.M11 * v.X + viewProjection.M21 * v.Y + viewProjection.M31 * v.Z + viewProjection.M41 < 0)
return true;
return false;
viewProjection is obviously just the view matrix * projection matrix