If you using Facebook graph API, you can see all public information of someone if that person set those information public, only few things you need to do: open a browser, log-in to Facebook and know that person user ID#, for example, Mark Zuckerberg - facebook founder have user ID# 4, so go to: https://graph.facebook.com/4 => you can see basic info such as name, age, location .... (imagine that you change i in _https://graph.facebook.com/i with i from 1 to 1 million, you may see info of million user as long as they set their info in public)
or go to this link you can see more information such as person favorites and education ... _https://graph.facebook.com/4?access_token=XXX with XXX is a unique code, it changes every time you log-in to Facebook ( see more in http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/)
My goal is using basic java url to go to these link and get all info (basically they are text) and save them to a text file, with _https://graph.facebook.com/4 there is no problem but with second link problem is the access token code which is XXX - changes every time or will be expired after 20~30 minutes so I can't run my program longer to get more data. question is is there anyway to get a permanent access token or extend it for longer time, remember I only using a small java program, nothing to do with Facebook app or anything else. Thanks in advanced!
Unfortunately you can't get a permanent access token but instead you can catch the error when the access token is expired and request a new one. Also you might want to read facebook terms of use to make sure you are not violating it.