I am new to Instagram Basic Display API. All I need is to get the recent media published on my Instagram account. I have followed all the steps mentioned here until step 4. In step 4 when I am accessing the authorize URL it is asking me to log in to my test user instagram account first and then displaying the authorized window. Just imagine this from a user perspective. If a user is clicking on a button and if it is asking for entering the credentials of my account it seems to be like exposing my account details publicly. Once I click on the authorize button it is redirecting to my redirect_uri and I can get the code.
How can I implement the same from the server-side? There will be no user interaction for the project I am working on. It should happen from the backend itself. I am using Django as the backend server. Please help me with this.
If this is just for your own project and your own Instagram account you can generate access token like it's described here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-basic-display-api/overview/#user-token-generator
You don't need the authorization window in that case. On your server just write a code that will send the request to Basic Display API with token created via Token Generator.