I know such questions are in tonns on SO, but my question is little bit different. Generally , i found in SO, Custom Paging using Linq2Sql/ Sql. No I am not asking the same, i am done with that, my issue is with the pages(data pager) displayed on my asp.net page. In my table i have around 640 rows which will grow in future to thousands and even 10 thousands and more.
what i did:
For implementing the custom paging, i followed Mikes this article and successfully implemented the custom paging on my records. I have a repeater on page and i am bind the data using Take and Skip as directed by Mike.
After implementing the paging, i found that its creating 10 records per page so in that case I got 64 pages displayed in my pager, which seems awkward. Its something like this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 upto 64, killing my page css and ui. Also it is not good , as user point of view. So
What I want is that:
I need SO User section like Pager... see here
Finally I got solutions
Thanks all of you, I got what i needed exactly. I am posting it as an answer below, so that it will help to others requiring the same.
I answered my own question, as this will help others who are looking for the same,,,,
http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/11418/Pager-Control-for-ASP-NET : This is a custom control that I got on CodeProject. Very useful for those who needs Custom paging in ASP.Net, lightweight and easy to implement.