I'm trying to create a splash screen using LWUIT. I want a form to load and display text and an imagefor 5 seconds then continue to the next form. I have a code but fails to show the image. The class and the image are stored together int he same package. Instead, it shows an error.
What could be the problem? This is the code
package tungPackage;
import com.sun.lwuit.Display;
import com.sun.lwuit.Form;
import com.sun.lwuit.Image;
import com.sun.lwuit.Label;
import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;
public class photoMidlet extends MIDlet {
public void startApp() {
try {
Form splashscreen = new Form();
// Label splashText = new Label("Baldy");
Image image = Image.createImage("/splash.png");
Label pictureLabel = new Label(image);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Form x = new Form("ERROR");
String y = ex.toString();
Label g = new Label(y);
public void pauseApp() {
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {
Open your JAR file using a ZIP utility (e.g. 7-zip) and look in the root of the file. If splash.png isn't in the root of the jar that's your problem!
Place splash.png so it is in the root of the jar.