I have set up my imagemap with the jquery-plugin mapster
the code shows me, which countries are clicked ('1' for Egypt, '2' for Libyia ..)
$(document).ready(function() {
function geklickt (e){
//alert(typeof e.key); return string
$('.showme').append(e.key+ ' ');
mapKey: 'ALT',
stroke: true,
strokeWidth: 2,
strokeColor: 'ff0000' ,
onConfigured: function(){
// howto set up loop for asking user here???
} ,
onClick: geklickt
My problem: I want to ask the user in a loop for different countries like this: " Click on Egypt"
if (e.key == '1')
// message "Ok"
// add one point
// message "NOT Ok"
"Click on Tunisia" ...
I dont know how to code this loop , so that the user is asked for the first country and then the program waits until the user has clicked a country and then the user is asked the second country ....
You don't need a loop. JavaScript lends itself to event-driven actions, not "waiting on user input."
Keep an array (or object) of the country names using their pre-defined keys and use a structure like this to prompt the user:
<div>Click on <span id="countryname"></span></div>
Then use javascript to dynamically change the name displayed based on the current key.
Example JS (not complete, but has necessary information):
var countryArray, currentKey;
countryArray = [];
* populate countryArray using keys like this
* countryArray[key] = "Name";
function setCountry(key){
currentKey = 0; //can be set randomly or however you'd like
function geklickt (e){
if(currentKey == e.key){
//add one point
currentKey = newKey; //however you want to set it
} else {
//message: "NOT OK"