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Skip validation when going backwards in SmartWizard

I am using the SmartWizard 2.0 (link) and I need to stop the validation from kicking in when the users hits the "Prev" button or in any way moves backward in the form.

Currently I am using

// Triggers whenever you change page/tab in wizard    
function leaveStep(obj) {        
    if ($("form").valid())
        return true;

    return false;

I know that I can use

var currentStep = obj.attr('rel'); // get the current step number

to find the currentStep, but I need to know which way the user is navigating - so I need to know the "nextStep". Don't know if this is possible.


  • When onLeaveStep is triggered could you not use the obj to determine the direction? Then you would only validate when moving to the next step?


    After looking at the source code, there is no way that I can see to figure out the direction. Patching in the ability is pretty easy however. In jquery.smartWizard-2.0.js change line 186 from




    This now gives you access to the selected step anchor, and thus the selected step index. To determine the direction in your onLeaveStep handler simple do the following:

    // Triggers whenever you change page/tab in wizard    
    function leaveStep(from, to) {
        var fromStepIdx = from.attr( "rel" );
        var toStepIdx = to.attr( "rel" );
        if ( toStepIdx < fromStepIdx )
            return true;
        if ($("form").valid())
            return true;
        return false;