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Checking a checkbox node programmatically with jsTree

In a tree built with jsTree, I have the text within the <a> tag sitting in a variable. I would like to check that node. How can I do so?

I am currently finding that node, using jQuery, and altering its class. However, this does not repair the parent node by making the parent undetermined in its class. I tried doing $('.colors').jstree("checkbox_repair"), but that didn't seem to do anything.

It would be great if someone could actually answer both those questions, since they are related to the same problem.

Here is a jsFiddle, illustrating the issue-->


  • In js_tree there are .check_node ( node ) and .uncheck_node ( node ) functions, i think this is what you are asking for. Soe the documentation here:

    This is an excerpt from the documentation in the link above, "how to perform an operation":

    /* METHOD ONE */
        .jstree("operation_name" [, argument_1, argument_2, ...]);
    /* METHOD TWO */
        /* NEEDLE can be a DOM node or selector for the container or a node within the container */
        .operation_name([ argument_1, argument_2, ...]);

    So I think this syntax should work


    Also i am not sure you should be using a class to reference your tree. Probably use an ID to reference your tree, and then use this syntax:


    //EDIT: Please keep in mind that the newest version of jsTree doesn't have a function called _reference anymore. It got renamed to reference (without the leading underscore). (Last checked 24/08/2015 15:45 by @mkli90) Link:$.jstree.reference(needle)