i have seen similar posts here but i have had no luck solving my problem so I thought I'd ask:
i am using jqtouch framework to submit a form (index.html) to a php file on my webserver (myphpfile.php)...
in my index.html:
<form class="form" method="post" action="http://mydomain.com/myphpfile.php">
//form inputs
<input type="hidden" id="doSubmit" name="doSubmit" value="Submit">
<a href="#" class="submit whiteButton">Submit!</a>
this works in web browsers (firefox, safari, chrome), see www.newhereinc.com but when it is compiled in xcode with phone gap it doesn't submit the form
I have also added "" and ".*" to Phonegap plist file ExternalHosts Array...with no luck
I have read that I need to do this as a XHR Post request...which i am unfamiliar with?
any help would e greatly appreciated
<form class="myformid" method="post" >
//form inputs
<input type="hidden" id="doSubmit" name="doSubmit" value="Submit">
<a href="#" class="submit whiteButton">Submit!</a>
$('#myformid').submit(function() {
var formdata = $("#myformid").serialize();
type: 'POST',
url: http://mydomain.com/myphpfile.php,
data: formdata,
success: success,
dataType: json,