The question is: Is it possible to create a structure like the folowing using object initializers in JavaScript?
var human = new function (years) {
var age = years;
Object.defineProperties(this, {
age: {
get: function () {
return age;
set: function (value) {
if( typeof value != 'number') throw 'Age must be a number';
age = value;
What I tried to do:
var years = 0;
var human = {
_age: years,
get age () {
return this._age;
set age (value) {
if( typeof value != 'number') throw 'Age must be a number';
this._age = value;
This example is more intuitive and "friendly" (for me at least), but I need that "_age" was local as it is in the previous example.
Is it possible to make local variables in object initializers?
you can do the following:
function myObject(){
var privateVar = 'default';
this.setPrivateVar = function(val){
privateVar = val;
this.getPrivateVar= function(){
return privateVar;
var obj = new myObject();
alert(obj.privateVar); //undefined
alert(obj.getPrivateVar()) // default
Another example:
function myObject(){
var privatVariable = 'default';
return {
getVal : function(){
return privatVariable;
var obj = myObject();