In order to show the input field for a cc: adress I am trying to automatically click the "Add Cc" span in gmail from a chrome extension.
The span looks like this:
<span id=":25j" class="el" role="link" tabindex="2">Add Cc</span>
It has no event listeners/onclick defined as far as I can tell.
I tried
$('iframe').each(function() {
$('span:contains("Add Cc")',this.contentDocument).first().click();
$('iframe').each(function() {
$('span:contains("Add Cc")').first().trigger( jQuery.Event("click"));
UPDATE: in fact the spans are inside an iframe.
Can somebody give me a pointer how to trigger a click on these spans?
Is there some way I could observe/record what events get fired when I manually click on the link?
UPDATE: Thanks @veeTrain for pointing out how to set breakpoints in Chrome Dev Tools
If you look at the DOM you will see that the input is already there. You should be able to get it to show up with:
However it seems as if I can't test this from my console due to the way that the page is setup. They use iframes, etc. Maybe you CAN get to it from a plugin?
You might also try to find a better way to get at the parent element rather than using parent().parent()
, I would, but I can't test this out.