I was writing this code for adding element at the end of linked list:
struct node{
int info;
struct node* link;
void append ( struct node **q, int num )
struct node *temp, *r ;
if ( *q == NULL ) // if the list is empty, create first node
temp = (struct node*) malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ;
temp -> info = num ;
temp -> link = NULL ;
*q = temp ;
temp = *q ;
/* go to last node */
while ( temp -> link != NULL )
temp = temp -> link ;
/* add node at the end */
r = (struct node *)malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ;
r -> info = num ;
r -> link = NULL ;
temp -> link = r ;
and I call append function like this:
append(&list, 10);
where list
is the pointer to the linked list
This code works, but if I use single pointer in append function(using *q instead of **q) and make changes accordingly (as done below and also when I call it), it doesn't work. What is wrong with the code below?:
void append ( struct node *q, int num )
struct node *temp, *r ;
if ( q == NULL ) // if the list is empty, create first node
temp = (struct node*) malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ;
temp -> info = num ;
temp -> link = NULL ;
q = temp ;
temp = q ;
/* go to last node */
while ( temp -> link != NULL )
temp = temp -> link ;
/* add node at the end */
r = (struct node *)malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ;
r -> info = num ;
r -> link = NULL ;
temp -> link = r ;
Because in the second example, q
is a copy of the pointer passed in by the caller. The caller's original pointer never gets modified.