1) I have old project that I need to modify. I need to add new web service. And I am having issues with some jar files.
I have created new service (Axis2), then I used Eclipse wizard to create Web Service Client code. Everything looks fine, except when my MyServiceStub.java showed up inside client java project, it failed to find some libraries.
I looked at few of them and it seems it is looking for Axis2-kernel-1.6.0.jar. Currently in my old project I see Axis2-kernel-1.3.0.jar and it seems that existing OtherServiceStub.java file there is using this Axis2-kernel-1.3.0.jar.
The first thing that dropped on my mind is that previously web services were created with earlier version of Axis2. My current version is 1.6. The thing, I really don't understand is why in Project Facets it is telling me that Axis2 is of version 1.1....
Ideally, I would like to use Axis2-kernerl-1.3.0.jar, becase I want to keep changes to minimum. What Version of Axis2 do I need? Any advice how to solve my problem?
And ...
2) If I have 2 projects, how can I automatically reference JAR of one project in another one, so when I make changes in referenced project, I see them effective when runing in project that is referencing? Right now, I export project to JAR, then I manually copy JAR (overwrite) to folder of the project that needs it.
1) You need to use whatever version of the kernel axis2 web service is currently running, ie wherever this is deployed to has a kernel version. You want your client code to talk to the server in the same version of axis basically.
You can download old releases here http://axis.apache.org/axis2/java/core/download.cgi
2) Running vs debugging is different. If you are running axis2 on a server, not inside of eclipse, your best option is to export the jar and upload to the axis2 WEB-INF/lib directory. That way you can have a copy you debug and code upon, separate from the copy that is actually running.