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Possible to test a cast to PropertyInfo.PropertyType when object implements implicit operator?

I have an object of a certain type (SpecialImage) which implements an implicit operator to another type (Image).

SpecialImage does not derive from Image. However the following is possible through the operator:

var someImage = new Image();

I have an object with properties which I'm looping through by reflection and an Image object:

Is it possible to check if the object is castable to info.PropertyType before trying to set the value?

var someImage = new Image();

foreach(PropertyInfo info in someOjbect.GetType().GetProperties()) {
    //info.PropertyType == typeof(SomeImage);

    //Is it possible to check if the object is castable to 
    //info.PropertyType before trying to set the value?
    info.SetValue(someObject, someImage, null);


  • You could try something like this

    If we have these classes

    class T1
    class T2
        public static implicit operator T1(T2 item) { return new T1(); }

    The we could use

    if(typeof(T2).GetMethods().Where (
        t => t.IsStatic && t.IsSpecialName && 
             t.ReturnType == typeof(T1) && t.Name=="op_Implicit").Any())
        // do stuff