I have an object of a certain type (SpecialImage
) which implements an implicit operator to another type (Image
does not derive from Image
. However the following is possible through the operator:
var someImage = new Image();
I have an object with properties which I'm looping through by reflection and an Image
Is it possible to check if the object is castable to info.PropertyType
before trying to set the value?
var someImage = new Image();
foreach(PropertyInfo info in someOjbect.GetType().GetProperties()) {
//info.PropertyType == typeof(SomeImage);
//Is it possible to check if the object is castable to
//info.PropertyType before trying to set the value?
info.SetValue(someObject, someImage, null);
You could try something like this
If we have these classes
class T1
class T2
public static implicit operator T1(T2 item) { return new T1(); }
The we could use
if(typeof(T2).GetMethods().Where (
t => t.IsStatic && t.IsSpecialName &&
t.ReturnType == typeof(T1) && t.Name=="op_Implicit").Any())
// do stuff