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JUNG: adding children to DelegateTree after having drawn it

I'm developing a Java application and I'm using the JUNG library. In my application I first create a DelegateTree and draw it to the screen:

public static GraphZoomScrollPane generateTree(Tree tree,
    GraphicalUserInterface gui) {

    /* Create a new tree */
    edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Tree<Node, Edge> graphTree = new DelegateTree<Node, Edge>();

    /* Add all nodes and vertices to the tree */
    addChildren(tree.getRoot(), graphTree);

    /* Create the visualization */
    TreeLayout<Node, Edge> treeLayout = new TreeLayout<Node, Edge>(graphTree);
    VisualizationViewer<Node, Edge> vv = new VisualizationViewer<Node, Edge>(treeLayout);
    vv.getRenderContext().setEdgeLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller<Edge>());
    vv.getRenderContext().setEdgeShapeTransformer(new EdgeShape.Line<Node, Edge>());
    vv.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller<Node>());

    vv.addGraphMouseListener(new ClickNode(gui, vv));
    final DefaultModalGraphMouse<Node, Edge> graphMouse = new DefaultModalGraphMouse<Node, Edge>();

    return new GraphZoomScrollPane(vv);

Afterwards the user is able to add new children to the leaves of my tree. But when I just do

graphTree.addEdge(edge, parent, child);

and then redraw the VisualizationViewer, the visualization lost the 'Tree' structure. It just adds the child somewhere above the parent and all other children of that new child right on top of it.

Is there a better way to dynamically add children to the leaves of my tree? Or do I have to use something else for redrawing instead of just vv.repaint()?

Any help would really be appreciated.

An example of what happens:

Starting with just the root (OUTLOOK), after adding 3 children (Leaf, Leaf, Leaf) with different edges (sunny, overcast, rainy), they just appear on top of each other.

EDIT: This is the addChildren() method.

private static void addChildren(Node node, edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Tree<Node, Edge> tree) {
    for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildren().size(); i++) {
        tree.addEdge(new Edge(node.getChildren().get(i).getParentValue()), node, node.getChildren().get(i));
        addChildren(node.getChildren().get(i), tree);

EDIT 2: This is the part of an AWT ActionListener where I add new children to the tree.

while (there are still edges to be added) {
    value = name of new edge;
    child = new Node(this.m_node, value);
    graphTree.addEdge(new Edge(value), this.m_node, child);


  • Posting the method that is in charge of adding new edges would help here :)

    But at first glance, it seems that you are adding 3 different edges between the same two nodes (OUTLOOK and Leaf). I'm guessing you are doing this (or the equivalent with Node and Edge instances):

    graphTree.addChild("sunny", "OUTLOOK", "Leaf");
    graphTree.addChild("overcast", "OUTLOOK", "Leaf");
    graphTree.addChild("rainy", "OUTLOOK", "Leaf");

    In this case, as JUNG graphs maintain unicity of nodes, you end up with only two nodes, and 3 different edges between them. When JUNG tries to display this graph, you will get the two nodes and the 3 overlapping edges as you used EdgeShape.Line.

    If you original goal was indeed to set 3 different edges between two nodes, try using different edge shapes to avoid overlapping and get a better rendering, e.g. EdgeShape.BentLine or such.

    If you wanted 3 different nodes, you will have to use 3 different names, or 3 different Node instances which are not equals.

    Good luck :)


    Following your comment, I took a look at the TreeLayout sources, and there is a small issue which makes it impossible to dynamically update the layout.

    To fix the problem, use this class instead:

    import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.TreeLayout;
    import java.awt.Point;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Forest;
    import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.TreeUtils;
    public class DynamicTreeLayout<V, E>
        extends TreeLayout<V, E>
    public DynamicTreeLayout(Forest<V, E> g) {
    public DynamicTreeLayout(Forest<V, E> g, int distx) {
        this(g, distx, DEFAULT_DISTY);
    public DynamicTreeLayout(Forest<V, E> g, int distx, int disty) {
        super(g, distx, disty);
    protected void buildTree() {
        alreadyDone.clear(); // This was missing and prevented the layout to update positions
        this.m_currentPoint = new Point(20, 20);
        Collection<V> roots = TreeUtils.getRoots(graph);
        if (roots.size() > 0 && graph != null) {
            for (V v : roots) {
                m_currentPoint.x += this.basePositions.get(v) / 2 + this.distX;
                buildTree(v, this.m_currentPoint.x);
    private int calculateDimensionX(V v) {
        int localSize = 0;
        int childrenNum = graph.getSuccessors(v).size();
        if (childrenNum != 0) {
            for (V element : graph.getSuccessors(v)) {
                localSize += calculateDimensionX(element) + distX;
        localSize = Math.max(0, localSize - distX);
        basePositions.put(v, localSize);
        return localSize;
    private int calculateDimensionX(Collection<V> roots) {
        int localSize = 0;
        for (V v : roots) {
            int childrenNum = graph.getSuccessors(v).size();
            if (childrenNum != 0) {
                for (V element : graph.getSuccessors(v)) {
                    localSize += calculateDimensionX(element) + distX;
            localSize = Math.max(0, localSize - distX);
            basePositions.put(v, localSize);
        return localSize;

    You will also need to add the following if you want the layout to be updated and the viewer to be repainted for each modification of your graph:
