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Using class << self, when to use classes or modules?

Is there a difference in usage between

class Helper
  class << self
    # ...


module Helper
  class << self
    # ...

When would you use one over the other?


  • The class<<self seems to be a red herring, as the only difference here is a class versus a module. Perhaps you're asking "I want to create an object that I do not intend to instantiate, but which exists only as a namespace for some methods (and possibly as a singleton with its own, global, state)."

    If this is the case, both will function equally well. If there is any chance that you might want to create a derivative (another object inheriting the same methods) then you should use a class as it slightly is easier to write:

    class Variation < Helper

    instead of

    module Helper
      module OwnMethods
        # Put methods here instead of class << self
      extend OwnMethods
    module Variation
      extend Helper::OwnMethods

    However, for just namespacing I would generally use a module over a class, as a class implies that instantiation will occur.