i'm working on a Pong game now and I my ball animation is going too fast. I want to add a timer to my animation but I really don't know how to do it. I tried it with some code i found on the internet but it don't work. please help me :(
here is my code :
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int posX = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
private int posY;
int x;
int y;
private int scoreCountPlayer1 = 0;
private int scoreCountComputer = 0;
private int delay = 10;
// Create a timer with delay 1000 ms
private Timer timer = new Timer(delay, new TimerListener());
private Rectangle ballRect;
private Rectangle padRect;
private int upLimit;
private int downLimit;
private int padPosition;
public boolean backX = false;
public boolean backY = false;
public boolean move = true;
public Point posMouse = new Point();
private int playPanelWidth;
private int playPanelHeight;
private int padPanelWidth;
private int padPanelHeight;
private int panPanelWidth;
private int panPanelHeight;
private JLabel player1Score = new JLabel("1");
private JLabel ComputerScore = new JLabel("0");
private JPanel panPlayer1;
public JPanel panComputer;
public JPanel padPlayer1;
public JPanel padComputer;
public ScorePanel scorePanel;
private JButton but_Escape = new JButton("Press Space to continue !");
* Constructeur de classe : PlayPanel.java
// ==============================================
public PlayPanel() {
super(new BorderLayout());
scorePanel = new ScorePanel();
panPlayer1 = new JPanel();
panComputer = new JPanel();
padPlayer1 = new JPanel();
padComputer = new JPanel();
add(panPlayer1, BorderLayout.WEST);
add(panComputer, BorderLayout.EAST);
add(scorePanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
* Add the ball
// ==============================================
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
// trait épais
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10));
g2.drawLine((getPlayPanelWidth() / 2) - 5, getPlayPanelHeight(),
(getPlayPanelWidth() / 2) - 5, 0);
* Init ball
// ==============================================
private void initBall(Graphics2D graphics2d) {
Graphics2D g2 = graphics2d;
x = getPosX();
y = getPosY();
ballRect = new Rectangle(posX, posY, BALL_WIDTH, BALL_HEIGHT);
padRect = new Rectangle(playPanelWidth
- (getPanComputer().getWidth() + 2), (int) getPosMouse().getY()
- getPadPanelHeight() / 2, padPanelWidth, padPanelHeight);
g2.fillOval(posX, posY, BALL_WIDTH, BALL_HEIGHT);
if (posX == 763) {
if (ballRect.intersects(padRect)) {
} else {
int posMouseY = getPosMouse().y;
System.out.println("pas collision");
stopBall(g2, posMouseY);
} else {
private void Move() {
if (x < 1 + 15) {
backX = false;
scorePanel.getLab_Player1().setText("" + scoreCountPlayer1);
if (x > getWidth() - 52) {
backX = true;
if (y < 1) {
backY = false;
if (y > getHeight() - (SCOREPANEL_SIZE.getHeight() + BALL_HEIGHT)) {
backY = true;
if (!backX) {
else {
if (!backY) {
} else {
private void stopBall(final Graphics2D g2, int posBallY) {
move = false;
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent arg0) {
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent arg0) {
// Définit les limite de le souris, la position
// des pads et de la souris.
upLimit = getPadPanelHeight() / 2;
downLimit = playPanelHeight - scorePanel.getScorePanHeight()
- (getPadPanelHeight() / 2);
padPosition = playPanelHeight - scorePanel.getScorePanHeight()
- (getPadPanelHeight());
posMouse.setLocation(arg0.getX(), arg0.getY());
if (arg0.getY() >= downLimit) {
padPlayer1.setLocation(getPanPanelWidth() - 10, padPosition);
padComputer.setLocation(0, padPosition);
} else if (arg0.getY() <= upLimit) {
padPlayer1.setLocation(getPanPanelWidth() - 10, 0);
padComputer.setLocation(0, 0);
} else {
padPlayer1.setLocation(getPanPanelWidth() - 10,
(int) posMouse.getY());
padComputer.setLocation(0, (int) posMouse.getY()
- (getPadPanelHeight() / 2));
private class TimerListener implements ActionListener {
/** Handle the action event */
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
I am not too familiar with animations, but what I think you need to be doing is use the timer to move the ball a certain distance at fixed time intervals.
Your current code schedules (emphasis on schedule, and not perform) a repaint
in almost every paint
call (through the call to the move
method). This will make it very hard to control the speed of the ball. You do not know how many repaint
s will actually be performed, hence you do not know how fast the ball moves (due to the fact that multiple scheduled repaints can be grouped into one repaint). Adding a Timer
in the mix to perform some extra repaints will not help (and certainly not a timer which schedules repaints every second ... this would result in a 1FPS framerate, which looks so 1950 ).
If you would use your timer to change the coordinates of the ball at fixed time intervals (50ms, 100ms, ... experiment a bit) and schedule a repaint
you have full control over the speed of the ball. Even if two repaint
calls of the timer are grouped, the ball will skip a position but the speed will be consistent. And when you go up a level, just increase the number of times the Timer
code get triggered by decreasing the delay.
You might want to read the freely available Animation chapter of the Filthy Rich Clients book, which features more free excerpts and code examples. You might also like to examine the examples seen here.