The Faces Config Editor in Eclipse does not open when editing faces-config.xml. This is in a JavaServer Faces project.
Eclipse 3.7.2
Eclipse m2e 1.0.1
m2e-wtp plugin 0.15
I've seen this question already (How to activate Faces configuration editor in Eclipse?), but when I add the Faces facet to my project it no longer compiles. Probably because I imported a Maven project, rather than using the Eclipse WTP project creation wizard. I have the Maven directory structure (which I prefer, and do not wish to change).
The problem is, when I open faces-config.xml from within this project the Faces Config Editor doesn't start, so I have to edit it using plain XML. That's not the worst thing in the world... but if there's a solution I'd like to know about it.
Thanks! Alex
As no one is answering this, maybe I need to provide more information.
Faces Config Editor does work when:
Faces Config Editor does not work when:
I realize that one option is to:
But the problem with this solution is every time I Update Project Configuration (from Maven) Maven needs to be added to the Deployment Assembly again (Eclipse + Maven + Dynamic Web Project -> Maven overwrites Deployment Assembly). This is why I use the m2e-wtp Eclipse plugin. It allows me to use the default Maven project structure, with Eclipse, and get rid of the unnecessary "magic".
My only problem is this Faces Config Editor thing.
Sorry for the verbosity
it was a dumb mistake and a simple fix. when adding the JavaServer Faces facet to my project because it broke the build, this was just because Eclipse tried to add JSF (MyFaces) to my build path, and I already had MyFaces via Maven, which resulted in a conflict. The solution was dead simple, keep the JavaServer Faces facet enabled and remove the Eclipse-added JSF library from my build path.
When adding the JavaServer Faces facet
to the project, it breaks the build, because Eclipse tries to add JSF (MyFaces)
libraries to the build path, and these already existed via Maven
dependencies, resulting in name conflicts.
Solution: Enable the JavaServer Faces facet
(to activate Faces Config Editor
), and remove the Eclipse-added JSF
libraries from the build path.