I am new to jqGrid, and having trouble with achieving a couple of tasks. Any guidance will be a huge help.
Issue1# I need to perform following jquery masking on my rate field in the create form,
$('#Rate').priceFormat({ prefix: '', thousandsSeparator: '' }); How could I achieve this in jqGrid?
Thanks a lot.
This is what I have right now:
JQGridColumn RATEColumn = CapitationsGrid.Columns.Find(c => c.DataField == "RATE");
RATEColumn.Editable = true;
RATEColumn.EditType = EditType.TextBox;
RATEColumn.EditDialogLabel = "Rate";
RATEColumn.DataType = typeof(float);
RATEColumn.EditClientSideValidators.Add(new RequiredValidator());
RATEColumn.EditClientSideValidators.Add(new NumberValidator());
RATEColumn.Formatter = new CurrencyFormatter
DecimalPlaces = 1,
DecimalSeparator = ".",
Prefix = "$",
Suffix = " USD",
ThousandsSeparator = ","
It's important to understand, that jqGrid try to separate the data from the visualization. So If you need to display currency for example you should fill numbers in the input data and use predefined of custom formatters to display the currency in format which corresponds the locale which you need.
To format currency you should use formatter: 'currency', formatoptions: {thousandsSeparator: ""}
(see the documentation). The default values of formatoptions
of the currency formatter you will find in the locale file like grid.locale-en.js
which you use.