I have an intermittent linkage error thrown: (That's basically all the information I have)
java.lang.LinkageError loader constraint violation:
when resolving field 'service' of the class loader instance of
java/net/FactoryURLClassLoader) of the referring class
org/apache/axis/client/Stub, and the class loader (instance of
for the field's resolved type, java/xml/rpc/Service,
have different class objects for that type
Or in a more readable way
Exception: java.lang.LinkageError
Does this mean that I have 2 versions of java.xml.rpc.Service loaded? Is that so? How can that happen? what is the way to resolve it?
The solution was eventually to update the weblogic-application.xml
file of the deployed app
The application used an old jaxrpc-api.jar
that we could not remove for various reason,
The solution we used to prefer the internal jar was this (Is there a better way?)