In my EmberJS application, there are use cases where I want to observe something like '@each.score.votes', to calculate total votes or to return a sorted list etc.
'@each.score' is another Ember Object.
However, any observer (or computed property) trying to observe '' doesn't fire at all. See this
Click 'Change Votes' to change votes, but total_votes is not re-computed. However, upon adding a person, it does fire.
Is this a bug, or is there a more sensible way to achieve what I intend? Thanks.
EDIT: Peter's pointed out that it's a bug. Christopher's fix works (as you can see here
This has to do with setting up a chained observer with '@each' in the path. Basically, what's happening is that you have a nested array situation, since '' is evaluated as an array.
'' should work.