I have made a custom AbstractTableModel. The constructor initialises the model with data from a file. However, I wish to add an extra column to the model (this is because of SQL limitations in its columns).
I seek to achieve this by adding to the initialisation code a call to an addColumn(String columnName, Vector columnData) method.
This addColumn method in my custom AbstractTableModel is derived directly from DefaultTableModel's addColumn method, including "fireTableStructureChanged()".
Yet when I run this code, fireTableStructureChanged() appears not to add my new Column and the JTable displays only with data from the file. Why might this be?
Here is a short indication of the code I am using:
public class Dummy extends AbstractTableModel {
public Dummy() {
//load data from SQL file into ResultSets
//transfer ResultSet.metadata into columnHeaders Vector<String>
//transfer ResultSet.data into columnDatums Vector<String>
addColumn("Added Heading", (Vector)null);
public addColumn(String columnHeader, Vector columnData) {
// transfer columnData into columnDatums
Is it a listener problem - is nothing listening at this point in time to fireTableStructureChanged()?
You'll have to reveal your implementation of the three required (i.e. unimplemented) methods specified by the TableModel
interface in AbstractTableModel
. In particular, getColumnCount()
and getRowCount()
must return the updated values. The fireXxx()
methods simply instruct the view to query the model via getValueAt()
. The data has to be there waiting for getValueAt()
to retrieve. EnvTableTest
is a simple example. Also, consider a more modern alternative to Vector
, which includes possibly uneeded synchronization code.