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How to cast nullable type to non-nullable type (in typescript)?

I would like to cast nullable type into non-nullable type.

For example, if I have a type like:

const type A = {b: "xyz"} | null

then I would like to extract:


by doing like:


but it doesnt work(of course, ! operator is for nulllable "variables", not nullable "types").

Could someone help me solve this problem? Thanks!


  • If you have a type:

    type A = {b: "xyz"} | null

    Using NonNullable will remove both null and undefined from your union type:

    type NonNullableA = NonNullable<A>

    If you want to only remove null but still keep undefined you can use Exclude:

    type NullExcludedA = Exclude<A, null>

    In this case both NonNullableA and NullExcludedA will yield the type you seek:
