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fuse_js_1.default is not a constructor | Fuse.js in Typescript

i have a little API in express js with Typescript - Node 14 and i'm using fuse js to search a list of packages in the database. (the file name is server.ts) This is how the ts code looks:

const fuse = new Fuse (list, options)

and compiles fine but when i deploy the code in the server show an error

... fuse_js_1.default is not a constructor ...

so i go to the server.js result file and the code is like this

const fuse = new fuse_js_1.default(list, options)

if i remove .default word, the code looks like this new fuse_js_1(list, options) the code runs fine and works!!

Is there a way to force Typescript not to compile this line? or remove the .default automatically? I accept your comments and ideas thanks :)

Sorry, bag english :/


  • I found the problem, change

    import Fuse from "fuse.js"


    const Fuse = require("fuse.js")
