`purrr::map()` works for `lmer()` but does not work for `lme()` objects...
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Read MoreR dplyr purrr error when passing dataframe to pmap_dfr()...
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Read MoreEquivalent function of `if` statement in R so that it can be used with the pipe operator...
Read MoreCombine multiple list columns into one list column in R?...
Read MoreFitting multiple linear models to all observations in a dataframe using purrr::map...
Read Moreremove specific values from each element of a nested list...
Read MoreUse pwalk to create multiple gt tables from tibble with different tab_styles inputs...
Read MoreList into tibble using list names as values in one column...
Read MoreChange nesting structure of a nested list stored in a data.table...
Read MoreMap a list and extract elements to create a data frame in R...
Read MoreHow can I pass values from columns of a parent dataframe to operate on a nested dataframe two levels...
Read MoreExtract multiple elements from a large list and put them in a dataframe in R...
Read MoreFind each gameId by looping through a very large list of URLs and keeping those that exist...
Read MoreHow to loop through a list and store the results in a data frame?...
Read MoreHow do we apply openxlsx formatting when using purrr to output multiple files on multiple tabs?...
Read MoreCan I shorten and simplify my dplyr code with `across` or `{purrr}` syntax?...
Read MoreUsing R, how do we split a dataframe to create a dynamic multi-tabbed excel file for each customer i...
Read MoreUsing purrr to map a custom function to a dataframe with a variable length list...
Read MoreHow to use purrr::map to get reports of a Wilcox test...
Read MoreHow to generate residual plots when running a series of regressions with purrr::map?...
Read MoreApply Excel Styling Across Multiple Spreadsheets using openxlsx in R?...
Read MoreWhat gets passed to the mutate and modify?...
Read MoreCreate multiple list columns from data columns of a nested data frame...
Read MoreUsing purrr::map over lmtest::coeftest with the cluster argument calling a variable with the "~...
Read MoreUsing purrr:map2 to transfer row names from one nested list to another...
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