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Measuring JIT time of a .NET application...


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How to uninstall older .net native images generated with ngen without matching IL assemblies?...

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Run ngen.exe after Inno install finishes but, before user can launch the app...


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Method inlining across native images of assemblies...

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Calling ngen.exe in a script by Packer to create an AWS AMI...


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How to determine if assembly has been ngen'd?...


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How and when does ngen.exe work?...


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How do I force the DotNet Framework to use JIT instead of NGEN?...


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Why do plain, non-profile-optimized native images aren't loaded by my CLR profiler?...

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How to Compile with ngen.exe and How to run the native code that is generated?...


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What is the list of all NGen artifacts that we should add to our UWF write filter exceptions list?...


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How can we improve the early responsiveness of applications deployed to a service fabric cluster...


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New dll's are not used with precompiled code using NGen...


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Have you ever used ngen.exe?...


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Why IIS doesn't load ngen assemblies in w3wp process on Windows Server 2012...

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Which ngen to use for x86 app on x64 system?...


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Why JIT if we have NGEN...


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Where can I find location of generated file after doing Ngen?...


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How to change the text shown while NGen is running in a WiX MSI package...


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Does it help to use NGEN?...


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Determine if GAC'ed & NGen'ed assemblies are being used...


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How to kill mscorsvw.exe...


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MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining vs TargetedPatchingOptOut...


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Using NGen with Wix Toolset for AddIn Express Excel Addin...


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Ngen error because "Mscorlib.dll does not have a native image" (x64 only, .NET 4.0 only)...


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How to properly NGen .NET application during installation...


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NGen and generic collections. How to get rid of Jitting?...


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Ngen vs RyuJIT - fastest x64 running code when (pre-)startup does not matter...


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Can you use the Phoenix compiler as a more powerful NGEN?...


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NGEN Display Returns A different result than Elevated CMD when run using Process.Start() in C# winfo...


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