R function for transforming comma-separated values in a cell into multiple rows with same row name?...
Read MoreCount the number of timestamps in a given vector that fall within an interval in R...
Read Moredplyr mutate compare with another data frame...
Read MoreR Make changes across multiple columns based off value in another column...
Read MoreConcisely assign vector output of a function to multiple variables in dplyr...
Read MoreHow do I mutate across to multiple columns together that have similar names in R?...
Read MoreUnknown levels in `f`:() but the columns are already factors...
Read MoreHow to subtract the value of some rows from other rows in R according to categorical variables...
Read MoreExtract first Non NA value over multiple columns...
Read MoreSpecify levels when `mutate`-ing dataframe variables to factors...
Read MoreHow to maintain date format when after applying function...
Read MoreHow to create new dataframe column with a character that comes from three other columns but only if ...
Read MoreReplacing values in one table from a corresponding key in another table by specific column...
Read MoreSelect column based on indicator in another column...
Read MoreMutate column for n% of the total dataframe, in descending order of other column r...
Read MoreRowsums on two vectors of paired columns but conditional on specific values...
Read Moredplyr mutate and purrr map: use data masking to select columns for map...
Read MoreRow bind multiple columns into two columns averaging unique elements in order...
Read MoreIn R, how do I make a long dataset that contains all the categories that a row applies to?...
Read MoreIn R, how can I get the sum for all combinations of two variables?...
Read MoreAdd a column to dataframes in a list based on the existence of other columns in R...
Read MoreRow bind multiple columns into two columns containing unique elements in order...
Read MoreCreate binary variable based on length of group in another column...
Read MoreHow to use query function of hashmap in mutate of dplyr pipe in R?...
Read MoreHow do I create many new variables in R, each of them based on multiple other variables?...
Read MoreHow to calculate days between positive and negative results and creating new columns for each with R...
Read MoreUsing Janitor based on other columns in the same row to output conditional results...
Read MoreHow to use custom function() and if_else with grep to recode values in R...
Read Moredplyr: mutate not applying function to grouped data...
Read MoreHow to preserve column names after applying scale()?...
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