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Dotnet Publish to Same Folder...

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.NET Publish in Azure Pipelines overwrites first publish on second run...


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dotnet publish -o published is created nested directories with each publish...

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In ASP.NET Core 6, why language folders needed in Published output for System.Private.ServiceModel.r...

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How to write batch files correctly for publication Adding different precompiled macros during .NET p...


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Trouble escaping double quotes in Azure pipelines DotNetCoreCLI task...


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dotnet publish specific project with SolutionDir reference...


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Dockerise ASP.NET Core app with Alpine image...

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App crashes on AppService with Could not load file or assembly, but works locally...

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.NET 6.0 x86 app doesn't set registry key successful...

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Nothing to do. None of the projects specified contain packages to restore. dotnet publish...

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GitHub Actions dotnet publish Specify a project with a Dot in the name...


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dotnet publish with new implicit dockerfile feature using NuGet Microsoft.NET.Build.Containers fails...


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Azure DevOps publish zip remove hidden folder...


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"dotnet publish" doesn't publish nuget packages when it's older than the current p...

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Could not load file or assembly Newtonsoft.Json when running app from the dotnet publish output fold...

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Exclude css isolation assets from dotnet publish...

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error NETSDK1031: It is not supported to build or publish a self-contained application without speci...

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dotnet publish fails intermittently because DLL is in use, even after recycling the app pool...

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Cannot Notarize .net core app for macOS usage...

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"dotnet publish" command within dotnetcoresdk container produces EXE without Details...

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build or publish via"dotnet" command with arguments/parmaters specifying windows Authentic...

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How to skip Target in .csproj when --no-build is passed?...

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What is the "MCD" configuration created as a result of the `dotnet publish` command?...


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MSBUILD : error MSB1008: Only one project can be specified. Switch: Release...


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Dotnet publish copies appsettings*.json only for Asp.Net (but not Console)...

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Aspnet Core Self-Contained deploy's web.config missing file extension...

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