I'm trying to submit a Mac app for Approval in the App Store, but linking with Growl is causing a validation error. I'm trying to re-codesign from the command line, but I'm getting the following error:
Ashs-MacBook-Pro:500px Uploader ash$ codesign -f -v -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: 500px Inc." ./Growl.framework/Versions/A
./Growl.framework/Versions/A: replacing existing signature
./Growl.framework/Versions/A: object file format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable
I've tried re-downloading the framework, but with no luck. Anybody see what I'm doing wrong?
Really strange, I've managed to resign the framework like this:
codesign -fs "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Future Simple" Growl.framework/Versions/A/Growl
Growl.framework/Versions/A/Growl: replacing existing signature
(BTW: I'm working with Xcode 4.3.1 and Growl 1.3.1)