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Token interceptor in struts 1.2

My project is in struts1.2. Is there any to implement Token interceptor (struts2) in struts1.2? I know it can be implemented by using

  1. saveToken(HttpServletRequest req)
  2. isTokenValid(HttpServletRequest req)
  3. resetToken(HttpServletRequest req)

But I don't want to add above in each and every action.


  • I know struts2 but not struts1 (so these solutions attack from that angle, a struts1 person may have a much prettier solution with respect to this issue):

    1) Add Spring (if it isn't there already)... add those methods using AOP. [cost: possibly learning a new technology]

    2) Use Struts2 beside Struts1 mapping .action to struts2 and .do to struts1... create a struts2 package, possibly called "token" and possibly mapped to /token with appropriate actions with wild cards to capture what ever you throw at it... which forwards to the struts1 actions. PS: You asked how it could be done... this is far from pretty and I wouldn't do this. [cost: complicates mapping logic ]

    3) Convert everything to struts2 and use the token interceptor. [cost: high time investment]

    4) Create a new base action class which your actions will extend, implementing those methods.