In the book Algorithms for interviewers, there is such a question:
How would you determine the minimum number of multiplications to evaluate X to the power 30?
Can anyone tell me what this question means?
What means "evaluate X to the power 30"?
There are two possible meanings, i guess:
I don't know which of what I guess is correct, or it has a 3rd meaning?
The question supposes that there is a way to write a function:
int f(int x) { return pow(x, 30); }
using only multiplications.
In fact one way would be the following:
int f(int x)
int y = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
y *= x;
return y;
This uses 30 multiplications.
However consider this:
int f(int x)
int z = x*x;
int y = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
y *= z;
return y;
This uses 16 multiplications.
So the question is asking what is the minimum number of multiplications possible?
Here is 6 multiplications, and likely the interviewers ideal solution:
int f(int x)
x_3 = x * x * x;
x_6 = x_3 * x_3;
x_12 = x_6 * x_6
x_24 = x_12 * x_12
return x_24 * x_6
This is more a brainteaser than a programming problem. A real power function does not use multiplication (or at least not in the way implied by the question)